NAGRA is a community of professionals dedicated to serving the educational needs of its members and other stakeholders in the gaming community. Our webinars are an important component in achieving this mission, and we strive to craft sessions that address the most relevant topics of the day.
Check back often for upcoming Webinar schedule!

Call for Webinars - Send us your ideas!
To that end, we invite you to submit your proposals for future webinar concepts. You may indicate whether you wish to play a role in your recommended session, or whether you are submitting the idea for general consideration. Email proposals to

What is a webinar?
A webinar is a virtual program presented live on the Internet using a PowerPoint (or similar) presentation for the visual part and a land-line telephone connection or computer with speakers (VOIP) to hear the audio. Webinars are recorded for archival purposes.
How long do webinars last?
We typically offer hour-long webinars, consisting of 50 minutes of content presentation and 10 minutes for questions. Longer sessions may be accommodated if necessary.
What resources does NAGRA offer for organizing the webinar?
We provide planning and logistical support, as well as a remote access platform for the presenter(s) and the webinar audience. NAGRA can also provide a moderator during the webinar if needed.